Policy Forum on Conservative Thought and Sustainability
OSBC was an organizing partner for this interactive policy forum — bringing together national and Cleveland area business leaders, policy makers, the media and RNC delegates — to examine the financial benefits that companies large and small are realizing through environmental sustainability practices. Held July 20th Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University (CSU). View recordings below.
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Session 1: Sustainability as a Competitive Advantage
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Session 2: Conservative Policies that Enhance National & Environmental Security
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Session 3: How to Build an Economy of Entrepreneurs and Innovators
The Economics of Healthcare & Business in Ohio
On July 22, 2016, we held a screening of FIX IT: Healthcare at the Tipping Point, a powerful new documentary that reaches across the political and ideological divide to expand support for major healthcare reform. View our recording of the panel discussion. Watch the movie online and engage with us.
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Restore Ohio Drinking Water Protection
Tell Ohio legislators to support H.B. 304 and repeal a provision that would allow certain residents to significantly alter the buffer zones that help protect public water supplies. Take Action to restore Ohio Drinking Water Protection
The Business Case for Methane Emission Controls
OSBC has been the business voice in Ohio for responsible standards to control methane emissions from the nation’s oils and gas production. We have made the case that implementing stricter standards will prevent the waste of natural gas (90% methane) energy, improve air quality for many communities and generate economic activity for 16 companies operating in Ohio in the methane mitigation industry, including four companies headquartered in Ohio.
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