Amplify Your Business Voice for a Sustainable Economy

OSBC’s executive director, Mayda Sanchez, will be in Washington, DC on October 24th as part of the ASBC Sustainable Business Summit. We will be joining businesses from around the country visiting with Congressional representatives, on the following issue areas. If you have comments or stories that we can deliver for you on any of these issues, please contact us.  Become a member of OSBC and add your voice to businesses from all over Ohio building a sustainable economy.

Issue Areas:

High Road Workplace 

Specific bill: Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act or FAMILY Act (S.337)
Businesses know replacing workers is expensive; turnover and lost productivity typically cost 20% of an employee’s salary. A lot of turnover can be avoided with high-road policies that encourage long-term worker retention, like paid family leave and a living wage. We will meet with members of the House and Senate to discuss the major findings in the ASBC report on Highroad Work Places and to convey specific support for the FAMILY Act.

Specific bill: Expand and Improved Medicare for All Act (H.R.676)
We will focus on meeting with House of Representative members to increase support for Medicare for All. We will use this opportunity to present the concerns businesses have about the rising price of healthcare and the benefits of a single payer system.
Clean Energy and Climate
Specific bill: American Opportunity Carbon Fee Act (S.1639)
We will meet with moderate Senators to discuss the business case for reducing carbon emissions – the primary driver of climate change – and why a national carbon price makes sense for businesses.

Tax Reform

Specific Bill: none
We will meet with members of the House and Senate and discuss three specific options for supporting small businesses in tax reform legislation: access to capital for startups and small businesses, a destination-based corporate tax, and tax breaks that support worker ownership and family leave.


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