Starting a Green Team at Work: How a Sustainability Manager Helps Your Business Thrive

Is your business looking to create a sustainability manager position? That role plays a critical component within any organization. They help ensure that a business is committed to an agenda that will lead to a secure future, target and eliminate wasting resources, and help overall operations. Check out the Columbus GreenSpot video which highlights the benefits of a sustainability manager position. Check out this accompanying document

Starting a green team at work can be a daunting task. Where do you start? Who do you include? What type of structure is right for you? With the help of the GreenSpot Advisory Board, the staff at GreenSpot have come up with a how-to guide to start your own green team at work. This guide covers how to tailor your message to each department, tips on forming a green team, areas to focus on, implementing ideas, tracking success, and more! The 14-page guide is easy to follow and can set up for launching your own green team. Check it out!

Are you in the City of Columbus? Check out the GreenSpot


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