OSBC Testifies in Opposition to Senate Bill 137 that seeks to ban Ranked Choice Voting in Ohio

SB 137 not only bans Ranked Choice Voting – it takes power away from voters and lets Statehouse politicians dictate how our communities are run.

S. B. No. 137 seeks to punish municipalities that enact Ranked Choice Voting methods in local elections by denying those municipalities Local Government Fund dollars. Municipalities rely on LGF funds to provide local services. Learn the background on S.B. 137 and tell your legislator that local government should be able to enact election reforms that their voters want.

OSBC Testimony on behalf of Business for Democracy Ohio Coalition opposing S.B.137 (5 minutes)

Watch the Clip of the OSBC Testimony on behalf of small business owners.

Full Hearing Video: SB 137 Hearing begins at 47:51

Sponsors: Gavarone, DeMora
Generally prohibit use of ranked choice voting
3rd Hearing,
Proponent/Opponent/Interested Party Hearing 2/21/2024

Learn More: What is Ranked Choice Voting?More videos about RCV in Ohio.


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