Community Solar Legislation

Update: As of 12/7/2024, SB 247 is still in Committee. It’s not too late to call or contact committee members to encourage them to vote in favor.

OSBC submitted testimony in support of Senate Bill 247 (SB 247), a bill to establish a framework for the Community Solar Pilot Program and encourage community solar facility development in Ohio.

The text of our testimony is below. We encourage supporters to call the committee members below, especially if you are in their district. Tell them why you support community solar.

Submit your written testimony in support! Contact the committee chair’s office at (614) 466-8049 and send them an email with a PDF letter of your testimony. You can also fill out this form at United Solar Neighbors.

OSBC’s Cathy Cowan Becker submitted testimony in support of Senate Bill 247 (SB 247), at the hearing on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2024. Energy and Public Utilities Committee, 10:00 AM, Finance Hearing Room, Ohio State House (map & directions)

Ohio Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee

  • Bill Reineke (Chair), District 26 (North Central Ohio Marysville to Freemont) (614) 466-8049 Contact
  • Rob McColley (Vice Chair), District 1 (NW Corner of Ohio) (614) 466-8150 Contact
  • Kent Smith (Ranking), District 21, (NE Ohio)(614) 466-4857 Contact
  • Andrew O. Brenner, District 19 (Delaware to Coshocton County) (614) 466-8086 Contact
  • Jerry Cirino, District 18 (Clevland to N. Madison) (614) 644-7718 Contact
  • William P. Demora, District 25 (Columbus Metro) (614) 466-4583 Contact
  • Matt Dolan, District 24 (Western Cleveland suburbs) (614) 466-8056 Contact
  • Paula Hicks-Hudson, District 11 (Toledo Metro) (614) 466-5204 Contact
  • Al Landis, District 31 (Muskingum County, Wooster, Zanesville)(614) 466-5838 Contact
  • Mark Romanchuk, (Mansfield to Medina) District 22 (614) 466-7505 Contact
  • Shane Wilkin, District 17(Washington Courthouse, Ironton, Chillicothe, Logan) (614) 466-8156 Contact
  • Steve Wilson, District 7 (Cincinnati NE to Lebanon, Waynesville) (614) 466-9737 Contact

Proponent Testimony by Cathy Cowan Becker
Ohio Sustainable Business Council

Senate Bill 247

Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee

December 3, 2024

Chairman Reineke, Vice-Chair McColley, Ranking Member Smith, and members of the Senate Energy
and Public Utilities Committee,

Thank you for the opportunity to submit proponent testimony in support of Senate Bill 247 (SB 247), a
bill to establish a framework for the Community Solar Pilot Program and encourage community solar
facility development in Ohio. My name is Cathy Cowan Becker, and I am testifying today on behalf of
the Ohio Sustainable Business Council and as a longtime sustainability advocate in Central Ohio.

As you know, the demand for electricity in Ohio is growing. Amazon, Google, Meta, and other large
tech companies are building data centers across the state and in Central Ohio. One of these Amazon
data centers is being constructed across the main road from my house.

Many of these companies have said they want to power their operations with renewable energy. But it’s
not just big tech companies that want renewable energy. Many Ohio citizens and small businesses
want to power their homes with solar.

Unfortunately, most residents and businesses cannot install solar directly on their own roofs. Small
businesses often rent the space they work in or share a roof with other businesses, such as in a strip
mall. If a business owner works out of their home, they may live in an apartment building or a condo
where they don’t own the roof. Even if a business does own the roof, it may be too steep or shaded by
trees. Or they may lack the up-front funds to pay for an entire solar system.

That’s where community solar comes in. Community solar allows people and businesses to buy into a
solar project that is not attached to their home or business. They can use 100% renewable energy for a
monthly subscription fee rather than installing an entire rooftop solar system.

SB 247 would create a pilot community solar program of 1500 MW in Ohio, of which 500 MW would be
located on distressed sites. By prioritizing projects on brownfields and other distressed sites, the bill
addresses environmental remediation while expanding clean energy access.

I am certain there is more than enough demand in Ohio for all 1500 MW of energy in this program. One
of OSBC’s members, Blue Rock Station, is a 40-acre sustainability center in southeastern Ohio. They
teach solar classes and consult on solar projects around the state. They tell us that many of their
residential and small business clients would sign up for community solar if it was available.

This pilot program would show that community solar can be done in Ohio, just as it has been done in 22
other states. It’s time to allow everyone in Ohio access to this program.

Community solar would be great for Ohio’s economy. A study from Ohio University found that this pilot
program alone could contribute nearly $3.49 billion in gross state product (GSP), 27,254 Ohio job years
with total earnings of $2.48 billion, and $409.5 million in local tax revenue over its lifetime.

It would also be great for ratepayers, including small business. Community solar provides savings of 5-
20% on utility bills.

Don’t forget that First Solar, a leading solar panel manufacturer, is located near Toledo. An Ohio
community solar program could be supplied with panels made right here in Ohio.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide proponent testimony on behalf of SB 247. This bill represents
a significant step forward in making renewable energy affordable, equitable, and accessible to all
Ohioans while boosting economic and environmental outcomes. I am happy to answer any questions.


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